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KaTS (Kids across Time/Space) Program units

Each story is accompanied by notes for the teachers, a game that helps students retain information, photo attributions, and image swatches that can be printed out and used to make collage art. These swatches are meant to be glued onto 8.5x11 foam boards. Children’s scissors and paste or glue sticks are required. Teachers might supply other art shapes to be used in the collage art, such as charms, cut-out shapes, buttons, crepe paper, or anything else available. Buttons or bingo chips will be needed for most games.

# Story title Cultural area Time period Year
1 Nubia/Kush: The cultural pride of Khikhy. Africa Ancient 700 BC
2 Greece: Kyros’ love of power. Europe (south) Ancient 450 BC
3 Roman Empire (Lazicum): Rufus and world of change. Europe (east) Ancient 64
4 China: The dilemma of Pang. Asia (east) Ancient 400
5 Maya classical: Can Pacal become a man? Latin America Ancient 650
6 England Medieval: The tribulations of William. Europe (north) Post classical 1250
7 Northwest Coast: The foolishness of Sa’laLEla. North America (Northwest) 16th century 5101
8 India: The dread of Elina. Asia (south) 17th century 1610
9 Italy Renaissance: Francesca’s difficult decision. Europe (south) 17th century 1620
10 American Puritans: The reason of Jeremiah. North America 17th century 1688
11 Ottoman Empire: The Yearning of Yusuf. Eurasia 17th century 1690
12 Acadians: The relocation of Alma. North America 18th century 1755
13 Appalachian Melungeons: Martha’s family secret. North America 18th century 1790
14 African Igbos: The dangerous life of Ngozi. Africa (west) 19th century 1800
15 Costa Rica: The great adventure of Tomas. Latin America 19th century 1824
16 Creek Indians: Sehoy’s fate. North America 19th century 1837
17 US slaves: The education of Dori. North America 19th century 1837
18 Milwaukee Irish: Patrick’s dream. North America/Irish 19th century 1892
19 Trobriand Islands: Ilabova’s transformation Oceania 20th century 1918
20 Japan: The culture shock of Ichiro. Asia (east) 20th century 1922
21 Soviet Union: Natasha’s predicament. Eurasia 20th century 1934
22 US Depression: The devotion of Barbara. North America 20th century 1935
23 Poland Jews: Rachel’s last days in the shtetl. Europe (east) 20th century 1939
24 Milwaukee Polish America: Stefan’s goose. North America/Polish 20th century 1941
25 Mexico (Tepoztlan): The dissatisfaction of Zaniyah. Latin America 20th century 1948
26 Bali: The hyperactivity of Nyoman. Oceania 20th century 1952
27 US Milwaukee: Beverly, the first “material girl.” North America 20th century 1959
28 Burmese Mon: Zeya’s school. Asia 20th century 1950
29 Inuit: Allaq’s jealousy. North America (north) 20th century 1964
30 African American: Ruby’s lost childhood North America/African American 20th century 1968
31 Hmong: Moua Lia’s assignment. Asia (southeast) 20th century 1978
32 Brazil: The dignity of Manoel. Latin America 20th century 1989
33 Siberia: Tonya’s future. Asia (north) 20th century 1993
34 Gitanos/Spain: Nina’s secret life. Europe (south) 21st century 2000
35 Puerto Rico: The twins must decide Latin America 21st century 2005
36 Moroccan Berbers: Aisha’s household. Africa (north) 21st century 2007
37 African Turkana: Ekwee’s transaction. Africa (central) 21st century 2015
  Stories highlighted indicate they are local Milwaukee stories


DISCLAIMER (STORIES): The historical and cultural contexts of the stories have been rigorously researched by anthropologists. However, the story characters and plot lines are fictional.

DISCLAIMER (IMAGES): The images used are labeled for non-commercial reuse and cannot be reused for commercial purposes. In some cases no images could be found with this designation for a particular story section. In these cases images with this designation were used that approximated the cultural area or historical period.


For any problems with the website, downloading, or other technical issues, contact Rick Petrie at RickPetrie@gmail.com. For any comments or questions on the stories, contact Dr. Jill Florence Lackey at JFLanthropologist@currently.com. If this concerns a factual error in a story background, please cite the scholarly source (publication with page number or precise Internet link) in your email.

To select stories by their themes, please refer to the chart below

Theme Cultural area Number (in above
Civil rights/fair housing marches/freeway protests North America (Milwaukee) 30
Historical tolerance in the Muslim world Eurasia 11
Role of shamans Asia (North) 33
Benefits of education Africa (East) 37
Making sacrifices for the family/Great Depression North America 22
Making sacrifices for the family/family economic units Africa (North) 36
Making sacrifices for the family/poverty Latin America 32
Filial piety in Eastern culture Asia (East) 4
Refugees/ethnic intolerance North America 12
Refugees/ethnic intolerance Asia (Southeast) 28
Refugees/Indian removal North America 16
Refugees/aftermath of war Asia (Southeast) 31
Holocaust/ethnic intolerance Europe (East) 23
Channeling hyperactivity Oceania 26
Social class/status North America (Milwaukee) 18
Social class/societal duties Europe (North) 6
Life under the Communists Eurasia 21
Slavery in the US North America 17
Slavery in the ancient world Europe (South) 3
Slavery/Africa/age grade activity Africa (West) 14
Interpretation of beauty Oceania 19
Living in two cultures Latin America 35
The plight of mixed race populations North America (Appalachia) 13
Life in a local Polonia North America (Milwaukee) 24
Women’s rights/dowries/orphans Europe (South) 9
Women’s rights/child wives Asia (South) 8
Women’s roles North America (NW Coast) 7
Culture shock/acceptance of difference Africa (North) 1
Culture shock/family duties Asia (East) 20
Power seeking and its effects on others Europe (South) 2
Self-control North America (Arctic Circle) 29
Excessive materialism North America (Milwaukee) 27
No appreciation for home town/grass is always greener Latin America 25
Adventure/grass is always greener Latin America 15
Adventure/right of passage Latin America 5
The tension between ends and means Europe (South) 34
The use of rational thinking North America (US) 10


Correct answers to pre/posttest questions


Urban Anthropology Inc
To reach Jill Florence Lackey email jflanthropologist@currently.com
To reach Rick Petrie email rickpetrie@gmail.com or call (414) 335-3729
General email address: urbanmke@gmail.com



